News & Events - Archived

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WECEC produces Black Oak Heritage Park video

Monday, December 5, 2011

The committee has produced an educational video to highlight the ecological importance of Black Oak Heritage Park. The entrance to this park is located of Broadway Road on the west side of Windsor.

The plants and animals in Black Oak park are seeing their environment being harmed by some Windsor citizens who dump garbage or ride their ATV's illegally in the park.

Protecting the natural environment in Windsor-Essex is very important to our Committee. Click on the "Public Service Video's" section of our website to watch the Black Oak video and let us know what you think.

Windsor Fluoride Action Group Presents to WECEC

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Check out the presentation by the Fluoride Action Network during the December WECEC meeting. The group is advocating for the City of Windsor to discontinue putting Hydrofluorocylisic acid (a toxic hazardous waste product)into our drinking water.

The toxicity of fluoride in our environment has been known for many years and as such it is listed on Environment Canada's website as a toxic substance. The amount placed in City of Windsor drinking water is greater than the maximum allowable limit stated in the Species at Risk Act.

WECEC has proposed a recommendation to Windsor City Council to stop the addition of fluoride in our drinking water.

Interested in joining the Committee?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Windsor Essex County Environment Committee is currently accepting applications for both the "Windsor Citizen Representative" and the "County Citizen Representative" position.

Please email your resume to Averil Parent at to apply.

Campus Community Garden Clean up Event

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Come out and help us!

Date of Fall Garden Work: Saturday, October 15, 2011
Time: 9:00 am - noon; Rain date is Sunday, October 16
Location:Our garden is located on California Ave (between Wyandotte and University Ave)

Food will be served for all volunteers!

The Campus Community Garden Project (CCGP) is a new initiative to promote urban food production and feed the community. This project has brought together University of Windsor students and members of the Windsor community to learn more about organic gardening and urban agriculture.

Do you have a project you think would be of interest to the Committee?

We are more than happy to accept delegations. Please take a look at our delegation policy and submit a request to our coordinator.

View Our
Delegation Policy.

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