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Pat on the Back Awards for community sustainability

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Apply for project funding for your community based sustainability project! Up to $500 will be given to not-for-profit organizations/individuals who are working on projects that foster environmental sustainability in our region.

Types of projects may include, but are not limited to, community gardens/CSA's, garbage cleanup's, native species planting, environmental promotion, conservation, environmental art, environmental education etc.

Award winners will be selected at a community event in August. Details to come at a later date.

Please download the application form. Once completed, please send it to Averil Parent at

Thank you for your dedication to improving our environment and fostering sustainability in Windsor-Essex County!

Public Meeting on air pollution crossing Canada-US

Monday, June 13, 2011

The International Joint Commission (IJC) wants to know what issues you have with air quality in a boundary region, and what can be done about them. To this end, the IJC invites the public to a meeting on transboundary air quality that will be held:

Monday, June 13, 2011
7:00 PM
CAW Hall (Local 444)
1855 Turner Rd.
Windsor, ON

The IJC is gathering public comment on progress to reduce the impacts of transboundary air pollution under the 1991 Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement. The achievements in both countries to meet the goals of the Agreement are described in the Air Quality Agreement Progress Report 2010.

Under the Air Quality Agreement, the IJC invites public comment on each progress report and provides a synthesis of comments to the Governments of Canada and the United States to assist them with implementing the Agreement.

Change of Date - May WECEC Meeting

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The May WECEC meeting has been chaged from Thursday , May 5th to Thursday, May 12th. The meeting will be at the Airport Boardroom, at 5:30pm.

These meetings are public and we encourage your participation!

Earth Day

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Please join us for the annual Windsor-Essex Earth Day Celebration! This event will take place at Mic Mac/Malden Park from 10am until 3pm on Sunday, May 1st.

There will be music, food, arts and crafts and environmental exhibits. The Windsor Essex County Environment Committee will be available to answer questions and discuss important environmental issues happening in Windsor-Essex. We will also be handing out birdseed!

Hope to see you there!

Do you have a project you think would be of interest to the Committee?

We are more than happy to accept delegations. Please take a look at our delegation policy and submit a request to our coordinator.

View Our
Delegation Policy.

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