News & Events - Archived

July 2010 - September 2010 Next

Airport Woodlots and Ojibway Shores Tour

Friday, September 17, 2010

WECEC members as well as concerned Windsor citizens attended a tour of the airport woodlots, Ojibway shores, and the Ojibway Nature Center. Highlights from the airport included looking for snakes, checking out fish habitat, and the woodlots themselves. We discussed the proposed Provincially Significant Wetland boundary as well as the possibility of connecting the woodlots.

During the tour of Ojibway Shores, the last natural shoreline property in Windsor, many of us were shocked to discover the amount of destruction to the land caused by ATV's and garbage dumping. Efforts will be made in conjunction with the Port Authority to increase by-law enforcement and build an educational campaign.

To conclude the tour, we arrived at the Ojibway Nature Center. We discussed general techniques for the protection and enhancement of Provincially Significant Wetlands in Windsor-Essex County. This may include lobbying the Federal and Provincial governments to purchase top priority ecologically significant areas for compensation as a result of the Detroit River International Crossing Project.

Do you have a project you think would be of interest to the Committee?

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